Beiträge von CyBeRsToRm

    lol double K.O. xD

    jo einfach abwarten... ist beta, sind noch viele bugs drin.

    man kann auch von der vergangenheit auf die zukunft schließen was man sonst auch immer macht. bf, bf2 und bc2 waren nicht so, also wird bf3 auch nicht absichtlich so sein mit dem 100 auf 0 (ausgenommen dicke sniper + hardcore) :)

    also softwipe wäre ganz in ordnung anfang nächstes jahr, beim hardwipe und immernoch beta weiß ich nicht so recht ob ich dann nochmal so viel zeit investiere... dann lieber erst wieder wenn das game released wurde und man mim "privatvermögen" nachhelfen kann xD

    hab schon zu apple gesagt, wenns released wird holen wir uns gleich nen churchill oder so und hauen alle loltraktoren weg :D

    wer auf den testserver von sto mag einfach mal auf folgenden link gehen und machen was da steht

    - STO ordner wird doppelt so groß da das game 2 mal abgelegt werden muss
    - C-Store sollte nicht funktionieren, dennoch nicht versuchen etwas zu kaufen weil geld und items verloren gehen

    Nachdem man das bei dem link gemacht hat und den launcher startet, sich einloggt, sieht man unten links den live server und den tribble server als buttons zur auswahl (über dem patch balken)

    Wenn man den tribble server auswählt prüft er die version, beim ersten mal will er dann das ganze game nochmal runterladen... kurz nachdem er angefangen hat mit den download den download abbrechen und im sto ordner nachschauen:
    - entweder wurde
    ...\star trek online\Live
    ...\star trek online\star trek online\Playtest
    angelegt, ich denke "playtest" ist eher die wahrscheinlichere variante.

    dann den inhalt aus dem ordner (live server) kopieren
    ...\star trek online\star trek online\Live
    und in den neuen für den test pasten (das spart viel download)

    launcher nochmal starten, tribble klicken, patchen lassen und starten

    Was cool an der ganzen sache ist?
    - Man kann per Mausklick (siehe link/faq oben) seinen character aus dem live server zum testserver kopieren lassen
    direktlink hier, man muss eingelogt sein in sto:

    d.h. wenn man etwas testen möchte, oder zwischen items wählen muss, kann man es aufm tribble testen... z.b. schilde, gibts nen haufen beim collector zum einlösen, man weiß ja nie was jetzt gut ist im battle... punke im live server sammeln, im testserver testen. Gilt auch für ein respec... mim copy kann man den im testserver dann wieder überbügeln.


    Server - Some potential sources for lag/rubberbanding have been eliminated
    Server - The old reserved slots has been replaced by a kick-on-demand system like in BF2
    Server - Log file for server admins: all remote admin interface commands/events are logged
    Server - Log file for server admins: major server events + all chat messages are logged
    Server - Idle kick is controllable
    Server - Profanity filter can be disabled
    Server - Teamkill-kick system is controllable
    Server - Ticket counts and bleed rate are controllable per-level
    Server - Infantry only mode available per-level
    Server - Initial spawn delay and respawn delay are adjustable
    Server - Server description can be up to 400 characters, and use "|" for line breaks
    Server - Banlist can contain up to 10.000 entries
    Server - reduced latency in packet handling

    Admin Interface - fixed the player.onKill spam that occasionally happened
    Admin Interface - ensured that player.onJoin events always report the player name
    Admin Interface - events triggered when people spawn
    Admin Interface - much more info on kills
    Admin Interface - detailed stats are reported at end-of-round

    Gameplay - Various minor level bugfixes
    Gameplay - Helicopter handling has been tweaked
    Gameplay - Weapon tweaks have been implemented based on PC public feedback
    Gameplay - Fixed technical hang when a crate was armed outside of the combat area
    Gameplay - "Victory is near" message was shown for the wrong team on Valparaíso, this has been fixed
    Gameplay - Countermeasures can be fired when driving a helicopter
    Gameplay - The brightness of the pilot view in the Russian helicopter has been reduced
    Gameplay - Advanced Spotting scope works better
    Gameplay - Knifing people in the back works again (we backed out the change that we had done for Server R11)

    Server Browser - Servers are sorted into 3 categories: Normal, Modified, Hardcore depending on their settings
    Server Browser – Added support for retrieving update progress
    Server Browser - Now refreshes information
    Server Browser - Join queue system when attempting to join a full server
    Server Browser - all settings are automatically saved between sessions
    Server Browser - Pings are sent via an alternate mechanism, which should work for non-Administrator users as well

    Client - Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused graphics glitches and perhaps crashes

    Client - Fixed some crashes
    Client - Toggle/hold crouch is user controllable
    Client - Toggle/hold zoom is user controllable

    Client - Vsync bugfixed for DX10/DX11
    Client - Rewritten how settings are written to disk; this should reduce/eliminate the spawn lag
    Client - Fixed bug where a player could join a server before the stats has been downloaded causing faulty stats in "EOR- unlock progression"-screen
    Client - New chat system allows chatting when dead (but not during end of round) and keeps a 100 lines log
    Client - Improved Play Now functionality
    Client - Removed K/D ratio and Skill Level filters in the leaderboards
    Client - Any points you get while being dead will be added to your score
    Client - Reduced negative mouse acceleration
    Client - More informative disconnection/kick reasons

    The client update will be roughly 500MB in size.

    Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
    The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming.
    The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming.
    The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory.
    Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
    Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
    Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
    Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots.

    lol xD alle schieben sie die schuld auf windows.

    ich hab mal intel angeschrieben warum ihr raid 10 bei nem drücken vom reset knopf 7-8h verifiziert werden muss. Kann ja mal passieren das die kiste hängt und man drücken muss.. und danach 7-8h nichts gescheites machen können. Naja auf jeden fall haben sie dann gemeint "eigentlich sollte es ja nicht passieren das man reseten muss, wenden sie sich bitte an microsoft"

    R10 Server ist live!…1/ch-ch-ch-changes.aspx##

    Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.
    Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

    Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.
    Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.
    Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.
    Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.

    Slightly reduced the base damage of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.
    Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles.

    Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry.
    Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.
    Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance.

    Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.
    Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.

    Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon.
    Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon.
    Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire.
    Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols.

    Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating.
    Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes.
    Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets.
    Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles.
    Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore.
    Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.

    Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization.
    Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations.
    Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.

    Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.
    Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.
    Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.

    • Added weapon balance tweaks to a number of weapons – we are eagerly awaiting feedback!

    lol dann einer im forum:
    Can you not tell us what weapons you've balanced so we can at least know which ones to keep an eye out for?

    Antwort von Bazajaytee:
    Thats the point of not telling you, so you dont go looking for the changes instead you feel what the changes are.
    We'll tell you later what the changes were.

    For example, once in BF2 we put in our changelist we had tweaked an assault rifle. The feedback ranged from "Horrible changes it is ruined" to "OMG this is so much better" and in the end we didn't actually change a thing with the gun. So telling you what is changes doesnt get an unbiased review of whether you think the changes are for the better or not.

    "- MP – Server filter options are remembered"

    "# MP – Most server filter options are remembered it doesn't remember the setting in dropdowns"

    die haben es im nachhinein nochmal geupdatet^^…r10-server-changelog.aspx

    Our current plan is to do final tests on the update and servers tonight and all being well we will look to release R7 client and R10 servers on Wednesday morning European time. While you wait for the release here are the details of the changelists for both the new client and server versions.

    - MP – New Server browser
    - MP – Added 15 second spawn timer for Conquest/Rush gamemodes at the start of round to prevent high end machines getting the upper hand before other machines load in.
    - MP – Crash fixes relating to ALT+TAB at different times throughout the game
    - MP – Hang fix when trying to connect to a full server multiple times
    - MP – Deletion of soldiers now possible through the account pages in game
    - MP – Removed screen flash during loading
    - MP – Added support for colour blind players
    - MP – Fixed crashes relating to faulty server banners
    - MP – Servers closing during connection no longer cause the client to hang
    - MP – Auto team swap reflects correctly in the scoreboard
    - MP – Fixed scoreboards when switching teams before spawning
    - MP – Rush scoreboards fixed
    - MP – Veteran ranks no longer display as “12”
    - MP – Isla Innocentes MCOM building fixed where knifing the fence would destroy the building
    - MP – Logout/Login button correctly reflects the player status
    - MP – Added minimum number of players needed to start a round (you can play and take objectives but you will get no score until 4 or more players join the server)
    - MP – Isla Inocentes welcome message on the loading screen now fits the text box area
    - MP – Reduced the brightness in Russian vehicles
    - MP – Medic gadgets now display correctly if the defib is not unlocked
    - MP – Server filter options are remembered
    - MP – Punkbuster filter now works as intended
    - MP – Scroll bar no longer overlays the Join Server button in the friends list panel
    - MP – CANCEL server refresh is implemented
    - MP – Zooming in on a friendly using the SAIGA no longer causes the crosshair to disappear
    - MP – The chat no longer displays the incorrect player name when appearing
    - MP – FoV switches to the default value of 55 when entering vehicles to prevent graphical glitches caused by wider FoV settings. The custom FoV returns when exiting vehicles.
    - MP – FoV no longer causes the UAV station to rotate
    - MP – Fix to correctly display the unlock progression at the end of round
    - MP – Chat functionality will no longer freeze after writing a partial message at the end of round
    - MP – One account can no longer connect to the same server multiple times
    - MP – Squad Death Match is correctly named during loading
    - MP – Server browser no longer gets a bad FPS when filtering Conquest
    - MP – Server info banners correctly clear between displays
    - MP – Setting display settings which the system hardware can not handle no longer makes the game unusable
    - MP – Correct camera collision for vehicles' heavy machine gun
    - MP – Game no longer crashes if the player sends a message in the loading screen
    - MP – Trying to join a full server no longer causes the game to hang on Please Wait message

    mehr ram ?
    bei mir geht es sehr schnell ( 8GB 1066 keine auslagerungs datei mehr unter win 7 )
    muss mal messen ...
    ansonsten kann es an der platte liegen ... da gibt es auch riesen unterschiede...

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Habn i7 920, 12gb Corsair C7 ram aufm Asus P6T V2 D., FSB läuft auf 1600, 2x 1,5TB Seagate im Raid 0 ~ 220MB seq. read

    Bei mir kann ich definitiv sagen das es an den Treibern/ATI liegt weil genau die Umschaltung zwischen dx9 und dx10 einen Ladezeit Unterschied von rund 50% ausmachen.